Merry Christmas | Frohe Weihnachten

17. Dezember 2015
ACCESS Christmas Party (Photos: UVS)

Music and cakes, mulled wine (without alcohol) and dances from India as well as Arab songs and lots of good talks formed the Christmas Party of the ACCESS students and the university staff. The annual party was the usual mixture of fun and laughter of the international students that take part in the international master course. „It’s good to have you here!“ were the opening words of Prof. Viktor Mechtcherine, who also said how important it is for all of us to learn from each other.

Smart Musicians - Foto: UVS
Smart Musicians – Foto: UVS

Beim Weihnachtskonzert der Smart Musicians im Foyer des Beyer-Baus erklang (nicht nur, aber überwiegend) weihnachtliche Musik. Chor und Streicher werden von Jahr zu Jahr professioneller und erfreuten das Publikum stimmgewaltig und anmutig mit internationalen und heimischen Melodien. Uwe reute moderierte und erzählte zwischen den Stücken die Weihnachtsgeschichte – bekannt, aber durchaus ein wenig anders von Johannes Berthold aufgeschrieben. Das Konzert klang aus mit Glühwein, den das Bauball-Team bereit gestellt hatte.

Xmas Party for ACCESS students

21. Dezember 2011
ACCESS Christmas Party 2011ACCESS Christmas Party 2011

Christmas is special – and although it is quite normal for us who live in this part of the world it may be something unknown for the students coming from other parts of the universe. The ACCESS students, who participate in the international master course Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies met for a Christmas Party last friday. The place is one with tradition: An old villa, built in 1888. A huge Christmas tree was placed in the courtyard, Stollen (a special Christmas Cake of the region) and tea was served, Christmas tunes playing…
Nearly a century ago the villa was a spiritual and cultural center of Dresden. The avant-garde of Dresden based artists met here, among them Paul Klee, Walter Gropius, Otto Dix, Conrad Felix Müller, Lasar Segall, Oskar Kokoschka, Emil Nolde and the dancers Mary Wigman and Gret Palucca. Now the villa is home of the Institute of Construction Materials – but it continues to be a friendly home for social events!